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Technical and Vocational Education in Asia: What can South Asia Learn from East/South East Asia?

This paper starts with the question whether the current labour force in South Asian countries is sufficiently educated and skilled for a structural transformation of the economy in terms of output and employment to occur smoothly. It first compares the characteristics of the East/South East Asian labour market with those in South Asia. The author notes mismatches between the requirements of the labour market and the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) systems in South Asia, especially India. Weaknesses in the educational and TVET systems are examined. It makes the case for a number of government, private and joint public–private measures needed for this transformation to occur. The paper also points out that private sector ownership and financing of TVET, and enterprise-based training, even by organized sector firms, is limited in South Asia. The private sector could take greater responsibility, for which specific mechanisms are discussed.

Author: Santosh Mehrotra

Published by: The Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE)

First Published: December 2016

Read Now: SpringerLink

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