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Horn OK Policy - Ep 1: Labour Crisis in India

More than 100 million Indians have lost their jobs since the national lockdown was enforced in March. However, even before the pandemic, there were fault lines in India's labour force: unemployment was at a 45-year high, youth were unable to find quality jobs, and the labour force continued to be stubbornly informal. Prof. Santosh Mehrotra, head of the Centre for Informal Sector and Labour Studies at JNU and a former Planning Commission member, joins us today to analyse the labour crisis during and before COVID19 and how policymakers should resolve them. What's the near term outlook for jobs? How should the government address labour laws to boost investment and hiring? How can more formal and good quality jobs be introduced? Are an urban MGNREGA and minimum income guarantee potential solutions in mitigating the economic effects of the pandemic? These are just some of the far-reaching questions we address in our comprehensive review of India's labour situation.

Date- 22 Jul 2020

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